analogies, Language Arts, March, St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick’s Day Analogies

One of the most important life skills that we can teach any student is to think critically. One way to help students begin practicing and honing their critical thinking skills is through making connections through analogies.

My Teaching Library as a resource that includes 3 analogy worksheets with a St. Patrick’s Day theme that students will enjoy!

An analogy is a comparison between two things, comparing two things which are comparable in significant respects.  Here is an example of the type of analogies that are included…

finish line : race ::  pot of gold : ___________
olive branch : peace :: shamrock : ___________

These are multiple choice worksheets. Answer keys included.

Need similar worksheets for younger students? Check out this resource: St. Patrick’s Day Analogies | 2nd-3rd Grades

See all St. Patrick’s Day related resources here!


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